Within the modern walls of AtlasCARE IVF in Georgia, our approach to providing fertility care centers around providing unsurpassed care on an individualized basis.
Our team has a full range of infertility technologies and treatments available to provide you with the safest, most effective personalized treatment plans.
The AtlasCARE fertility clinic is run by experts in the field of reproductive medicine who are world-renowned for their success, compassion, and commitment to each intended parent that seeks fertility treatment in Tbilisi.
IVF with Surrogacy in Georgia — Path to Parenthood
IVF surrogacy refers to the procedure in which embryos are created using your own eggs. Best quality embryo(s) is then implanted in the uterus of your chosen gestational surrogate to establish a pregnancy.
The main advantage of IVF surrogacy in Georgia is the ability to have a child who is genetically related to both the mother and father, even when pregnancy is not possible for the woman.
The procedure is recommended for women who are medically unable to carry a child to term but are still able to produce healthy eggs. The inability to carry a child may happen because of a medical problem with the uterus or because the uterus has been surgically removed (hysterectomy). Some people choose IVF surrogacy because they have experienced multiple pregnancy losses (recurrent miscarriage). Others may opt for surrogacy because of a pre-existing medical condition, such as diabetes, hypertension, heart disease, Mayer-Rokitansky-Küster-Hauser (MRKH) syndrome, or cancer.
What is the process for IVF with Gestational Surrogacy?
The IVF procedure for gestational surrogacy is less legally complex than traditional surrogacy because the surrogate is not genetically related to the baby.
The process starts by synchronizing the menstrual cycles of the intended mother and the gestational surrogate. The mother will then start taking fertility drugs to stimulate her ovaries to produce multiple eggs. Once her eggs are mature, she will need to come to the AtlasCARE IVF & surrogacy clinic in Georgia. Mature eggs will be extracted and fertilized with her partner’s (or donor) sperm. Fertilized eggs (now called embryos) will be cultured and monitored for 3 to 5 days.
At the same time, the gestational surrogate will take progesterone to prepare her uterine lining for pregnancy. On day 3 or day 5 after egg retrieval, one or more embryos will be placed into her uterus. Twelve days after embryo transfer, the surrogate will take a pregnancy test to determine whether implantation was successful.
When the pregnancy is complete, the surrogate delivers the baby. The baby then goes to the intended biological parents.
Sometimes, couples want to make sure that they will have enough embryos for a future IVF cycle. In this case, embryos with the best appearance, a steady pace of growth and very low fragmentation rates are frozen in a procedure called vitrification (flash freezing). When the intended parents feel ready to expand their family, we will start the process of matching, cycle synchronization, and preparation of the surrogate mother’s uterus for implantation.
What to expect from your time in Georgia?
Option 1
If you want to be in Georgia from beginning to the end of your stimulation process, then you need to be in Georgia on day 2 of your menstrual period and stay for about 12-14 days depending on your egg development.
Option 2
You can start the treatment in your hometown and come to Georgia for a shorter time – approx for 10 -12 days. You need to be in Tbilisi on day 8 of your cycle after you start the injections.
Please Note: The male partner can stay for only 2 days to deposit his sperm.
Which tests are required from me?
We need hormonal tests, infectious blood tests, full blood count, blood group from the female partner.
We need infectious blood tests, sperm analysis test and blood group from the male partner.
For a more detailed list of tests, please contact our IVF Coordinator.
Can I do these tests in Georgia?
If you will be in Georgia from beginning to the end of the treatment process, then yes you can do the tests in Georgia at our clinic, but if you want to start the stimulation in your hometown, then you should perform the tests in your hometown. Test results must not be older than 6 months when you are at our clinic for your IVF treatment.
Which medication will I use, and what will be the cost?
Depending on your hormonal test results, we will determine your medication and dosage. You will be prescribed hormonal injections, vitamins, pessary, etc.
Hormonal Injections
In order to get sufficient follicles and eggs for your in vitro fertilization process, you are stimulated with injected medications to develop multiple follicles (egg-containing structures). The injections are usually given by the woman, or by her male partner. The technique is easy to learn.
Folic Acid
Folic Acid can prevent major birth defects, including Spina Bifida and Anencephaly.
Contains the hormone progesterone, which is essential for maintaining pregnancy. Progesterone helps prepare the uterus to receive and maintain a fertilized egg.
The cost of medication depends on the dosage of hormonal injection you will need.
Please contact our IVF coordinator to get more detailed information.
How many embryos will be transferred to me?
There is no restriction in Georgia about the number of embryos transferred. As AtlasCARE IVF, we make the decision on number depending on the quality and number of fertilized embryos. We generally recommend 2 embryos to be transferred.
When do I learn if I am pregnant or not?
Twelve days after the embryo transfer, you can perform beta-hCG blood test. It measures the level of hCG hormone present in a sample of your blood. HCG is a hormone that is produced during pregnancy.
What is the success rate of IVF treatments?
Success is very personal. There are many factors that can affect success of IVF treatment, such as age, genetics, number of embryos transferred, sperm & egg quality, quality control in the laboratory and nature that no one can have power over.